This fall I am featured in the Blick Art Materials Fall Back to School Sale flyer and in posters in the stores. I am drawing sea fan coral with Prismacolor markers. I have been drawing with their colored pencils since high school, and really like how bright and easy-to-blend they are.
Recently I was commissioned to make an illustrated sign. My friend has made, and is selling, zombie face magnets and pins, which come blank, and you can paint or decorate them any way you like. They are about an inch and a half tall, and are pretty gruesome, as zombies go. If you would like one, you can contact Chris.
I had a lot of fun drawing the sign. Lately, I've become very interested in fonts, both drawing and designing them. I've been studying how different typefaces can create completely different moods, and despite the intrigue of graphic design, I still enjoy creating hand-drawn lettering. And drawing hands, as well.
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Time Of The Season - The Zombies
I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight - Cutting Crew
(Watch on YouTube)
I'm still drawing an owl a day. This project will last for a month, and then I will focus on illustrating another subject. Here's me drawing Owl #21, an eagle owl.
These are some of my recent favorites, but you can see all of the drawings on my Tumblr.
Every year, Chris Cardinal & the t-shirt site run a cake-decorating contest, where entrants bake cakes that look like the shirts. I enjoy cake decorating, and their shirts, so I decided to make one this year, too. The design my cake is based on is called In A Comic. You can see my full entry on the Threadcakes site here.
In the meantime, I've been drawing an owl everyday for almost three weeks now. This is the day's related owl.